
24 Jun 2015

RePlan Your Office's Layout

Sometimes we got everything we need right where we are, but we've arranged it the wrong way. Consider hiring an "interior space redesign"consultant or a feng shui professional--someone who won't force us to buy new stuff but will rearrange what we already own. These professionals use a mix of practical and aesthetic priorities to create an environment where you can maximize your productivity. They'll double-check ​the office's flow (how easy it is to walk around among desks and furniture), assess overhead and area-specific or task lighting, whether our most-needed tools are accessible from the desk, and the aesthetics of color and furniture arrangement. One common change that borrows from feng shui: Rather than shove a desk up against a wall and work with your back to the room, turn the desk to face the room and work with your back to a wall. This way, we're more likely to face a doorway (and visitors) or a window (and sunlight), which puts us in what feng shui calls the "command position." 
