
01 Jun 2018

Tax Holiday 0% GST

Consumers will enjoy a 'Tax Holiday' window during the transition period.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad revealed today that SST will only be introduced in September. 

Consumers are given the opportunity to buy goods at a lower prices during the transition period as GST gets zero-rated while SST will only kick in at a later date. 

According to our market ​information from sales department, we find out some consumer their thoughts in light of this announcement.

Petaling Jaya, Mohamad Yusof, 33, said it is the best time to set up office workstation in this 0% Gst, i can save at least 10% more before the implement SST to the market.

Likewise, Ampang, Mr.Yap, 42, who was relocate for their new office and plan for moving on October, with a smart move he was place early with his order for booking before the September SST implement.
