I-LARVA wellness science based with comfort


31 May 2019

I-LARVA wellness science based with comfort

i-LARVA great performing executive chair, is an wellness science based with comfort, sustainability and universe design merge into the idea for giving extra ergonomic to this lovely office ​chair, i-LARVA offers pelvis and back rest lumbar support with asymmetrical lumbar design which allow you to adjust in wide ​range to meet your most comfortably position.

After a several use in the I-LARVA it is clear that this is a well designed task chair. All the great features combine to make for a product that is comfortable, stable and offers very best support. with asymmetrical lumbar support it takes several time to get used to it, but once it’s dialed in, you will absolutely love it.

The armrest adjustable, with the wheel castor which are nearly frictionless ​flush and cause the chair to roll around a lot if placed on a hard surface or softer rubber would have probably prevented this. The seat pad is on the thick side, and while it does not breath as well as some of the competition, it is comfortable and will keep your fidgeting to a minimum.
